Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.*

Today’s ride from near Fredonia, New York to near Batavia, New York took us around the outskirts of Buffalo. We saw agricultural land to the west of Buffalo . . .


And to the east of Buffalo . . .


The main difference is that the land was a bit more rolling to the east, though you couldn’t tell from these pictures.

We also rode along the lakeshore west of Buffalo, home to many estates along the lakefront, clearly owned by wealthy residents of Buffalo.


We crossed a few streams that ran into Lake Erie, some even with waterfalls — not quite Niagara Falls, but still charming.


And then there was Buffalo itself.


We didn’t get any closer than this, but there were signs of the city all around as we skirted the south and east sides of the city.


And here are the barns around Buffalo.

Sheridan, New York

Sheridan, New York

Sheridan, New York

Sheridan, New York

Orchard Park, New York

Orchard Park, New York

Elma Center, New York

Elma Center, New York

Alden, New York

Alden, New York

Darien, New York

Darien, New York

Darien, New York

Darien, New York

The technical stuff:

Fredonia, NY to Batavia, NY

93.1 miles

2,566 feet of climbing.

Average speed 14.9 miles per hour

Weather: Bright sun with a few puffy clouds. Temperatures high 60’s to start and mid-80s at the end. Winds of 20 to 25 MPH, mostly tail winds

You can see the entire route to date here.

*This a complete and correctly capitalized and punctuated sentence, though probably the quirkiest I know. It can be recast as “Bison from Buffalo hoodwink bison from Buffalo that other bison from Buffalo hoodwink.